Great Blue Hills at Blue Hills Reservation

Trail Distance: 2 miles
Elevation Gain: Minimal
Terrain Rating: Moderate, slabs of rock
Hike In: 10:30AM
Hike Out: 11:45AM 

Blue Hills Reservation

Trailhead: Blue Hills Trailside Museum in Milton, MA about 30 minutes from Boston

The Blue Hills is a great area to have a leisurely weekend stroll around Boston. For me, it was a must needed post-Thanksgiving walk. The trail is marked with red dots that are very easy to spot.

From the museum, go to the South lot until you see the red dot trail. You will pass the sad looking Bald Eagle and the not as sad looking River Otter on your way there. From there, the incline is moderate. It’s a nice short workout but never anything too strenuous. The leaves have fallen already so the ground was a little slippery.

You’ll have to cross a paved road before you reach Eliot Tower. You can climb the stairs and look out for the view. On this day, it was fogged in. But on a clear day you can see Mount Monadnock 70 feet away. In another 0.25 miles, you can go check out the Blue Hills Observatory. Head back to Eliot Tower to finish the loop and you will get back to the parking lot in around 1 mile.

Pokemon Go pro tip: There are a lot of Slowpoke’s on this trail 😉

Categories: Easier, Massachusetts