Mauao – Mount Maunganui, New Zealand

Near the top of Mauao

Trail Distance: <1 mi
Elevation Gain: 232m (~800 ft)
Terrain Rating: Easy
Hike In: 12:15PM
Hike Out: 1:15PM

Trailhead: The Mount Maunganui Boardwalk here

Mount Maunganui is an awesome chill beach town in the Bay of Plenty on New Zealand’s North Island. We came here to escape the rain down in Whakatane and were surprised to find such a nice beach vibe. It felt like a more upscale version of Santa Cruz. Looking on TripAdvisor, it’s New Zealand’s #1 Beach!

Once we got there, we found out about a nice hike up Mauao. It’s a short 40-60min hike that offers sweeping views of the beach and surrounding town. The true summit is obscured but the Oruahine Track goes around the mountain and has multiple lookouts. A map of the reserve can be found here.  I’d highly recommend this day trip and mini hike for anyone visiting North Island.

Categories: Easier